Gift Grub - Stan

Happy Girl

Registered User
Did anybody hear the Gift Grub version of Eminem's "Stan". It was on radio yesterday morning and again this morning in light of last night's announcement about Steve Staunton. I can honestly say I haven't laughed like I laughed yesterday in a long time. What a way to start a day off. It was hucking filarious!
They did a version of "Don't give up" as well with Robson doing the Kate Bush part. Funny, but almost creepy.
As Radio comedy goes it is without doubt the funniest on air. Sometimes it may fail to reach its own high standards but it is still streets ahead of its nearest competitor.
well obviously as I said before like, at the end of the day the lad's trying hard, its not easy to be hilarious on a daily basis like, and all credit to him for his efforts to date.

p.s. the Eamonn Lowe show (also Today FM) was a good laugh, you can find it on google search, c'mon da town