Gift Cheque To Assist In Purchase Of Property - Made Out To Solicitor Or Bank?


Registered User
Hi there,
I have a gift coming from my parents to help me buy and asked the solicitor who the cheque should be made out too. Solicitor then told me it needs to be made out to him but I would have thought that it should be made out to the bank??

Has anyone any advice on this? I do trust him but the gift is a big amount of money and the parents are worried making it out to him.....

Re: Is This Normal

Why would it be made payable to the bank?

If this is to aid in a purchase the solicitor will need to pay it to the vendors solicitor who will not accept your cheque, but may ( depending on the part of the country) accept your solicitors cheque or at the very least your solicitor will be able to arrange an e-transfer of funds on the closing date.
Re: Is This Normal

You should really improve the title of this post as per posting guidelines - it will get more responses
Re: Is This Normal

Thanx guys, not sure how to edit the title, does anyone know how?