ghost in the machine


Registered User
Recently got NTL's mmds service in. Was watching a movie on BBC1 last night, in the house on my own. Went in to kitchen to get a cup of tea, still listening to the movie through open door. The channel changed over to RTE1 while I was in the kitchen which means that 101 would have had to been entered into the remote which was sitting on a cushion exactly where I left it.. Has anyone seen random channel changes coz Im freaked out over this..
A more rational explanation than ghosts would be some glitch with the device or the remote control (if it was pointing at the device) causing the channel changing mechanism to detect a spurious channel change signal (e.g. via the infra red receiver or internally). If you get such spurious channel changes you should call a repair man rather than an exorcist.
This used to happen in my parents house years ago with a "non-digital". Mostly when I had my commodore 64 plugged into the small telly which didn't have a remote control. Never figured out why but I'm convinced the house is haunted anyway.
Or maybe the ghost didnt want to watch the movie? I shall keep an eye on the spurious channel changes.
I hope hes a friendly ghost. If I meet him does anyone want me to ask him/her anything.

Unfortunately I think there is a logical explanation for this so no Ghostbusters for you. NTL MMDS allows you to automatically switch to another programme (ie set a reminder) as you cycle through what is on the other channels. If you press "browse" you can cycle through the channels and if you see something you want to switch to you just press the "ok" key - The box will then automatically switch to that programme when it starts. It is very easy, I have done it many times, to inadvertently press the "ok" button and not realise that you have - as a result you can be watching the Late Late Show with your better half one minute and then without warning be watching "Jugs and Suds" on the Men and Motors channel - that's the truth, honestly

Just don't look behind you when you're watching TV! Whoooooo-oooohhhhhh.