Getting SKY without a phoneline



I am renting a house and the tenants want me to get SKY Digital in, its in Mayo so no cable access, can I get it installed without a phone line as I really dont want to be going down that direction with tenants especially when they all have mobiles anyways and line rental a month is ridiculous for people that will never use the phone!
Check with some of your local Satellite installers. They will usually do it at an extra charge. I know there are a few around my area (Meath/Dublin) that do this. They hook the card up to a dummy number for a couple of days before installation so SKY think there is a phoneline.
I recenty got Sky digital installed and have no phone line in the house. When your Sky card arrives you hand it over to the guys doing the installation who 'work some magic' on the card and hey presto it works. It cost €100 for the install and all the harware.

be aware that although it can be done this way, it is the installer who is doing it, not Sky themselves. Therefore, if in six months time Sky decide to enforce yoru contract you're snokkered cause the contract says you have to have the card connected to phone for first 12 you are breaking the contract. From what is floating around in places like, noone seriously expects Sky to do this...
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Thanks for the advice, rang a guy up here and he said the same thing, he will install it and give his own number, and he confirms details to them, he swears of over 100 he has done, they have never rang to check the line after the first week!

Will give it a go to hell!
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why do they want you to have a phone connected to it?
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Nothing sinister I think. I had the first 12 months in a previous residence, took the box with me when I moved and haven't had it connected to the phoneline once. Always wondered why they stipulated the phone line thing. They don't go making phone calls or anything.

Father're perfectly ok, you only need to have it connected for the first 12 months in any case.
The reason you need it coneected is that Sky hope you will use their pay services such as Sky Box Office to watch movies etc etc. You need the phone line for the box to call back and request these services. They are also hoping you will use premium text services etc etc.
The box itself calls home in the middle of the night as far as I know every so often. Sky can also contact the box to perform updates etc.
The story I heard was that......

..... the reason that Sky insist on a phone line is that it encourages you to spend money on the shopping channels plus sky box office etc. If not connected, the shopping channels would not exist. The guy from Sky that came out to me said that Sky subsidise the equipment using revenue they generate from such channels. Once you are connected for 12 months its likely you won't remove the phone line.