Getting pp within town limits - easier?


Registered User
Am I right in thinking that this should be easier than in the countryside??
My site begins as a row of terraced houses ends and continues on around a few corners and beyond the town limits (well, past the 50kph signs as you enter the built up area - I'm presuming that marks town limits but am open to correction on that matter) where I got planning permission (and subsequently built on 15 years ago). As my circumstances have changed I would like to sell this house and build a small house at the beginning of my site (it wouldn't even be seen from my current house). When I got pp all those years ago I was told I had been lucky as had I waited another couple of years I wouldn't have got it as my (current) septic tank would not have been allowed. The new house would not be on mains sewerage either fwiw.

Also, while we're on the subject: what is the first thing I need to do (bearing in mind this house isn't even on the market yet) - I cannot remember the process from all those years ago. Any advice would be very welcome.
Suggest call into Town Council office and get their ,(off the cuff,) views .

1. On your proposal to build . You may find that the new septic tank rules are costly and development charges are also costly.You might find that where you propose to build is designated as maybe commercial etc.
I would expect City Council to be helpful.