Getting out of a car lease?


Registered User
I took out a 4 year car lease over two years ago. The dealer I did the business with has gone out of liquidation.
I was told at the time of signing for the lease,that as a sole trader I could 'give back the car' if I/my business got into trouble. I have since sold my business and I am emigrating.
The leasing company told me I had to pay them 22k in settlement. i don't want to leave the country and have a bad debt. I know ignorance isn't a defense, but I am now in a pickle as I am the personal guarantor.
Is there anything else I can do, I don't have 22k? The car has been kept well within the 15k mileage allowance per annum.
Any advise would be very welcome.
Have you thought of selling the car to recoup some of the money and pay them off using it.
getting out of car lease

Yes, tried to garages, both said 'they would get back to me', once I told them it was a leased car. The leasing company won't deal with me, getting fobbed off. Citizen's Advise Bureau or solicitor next step?
If it was a buisness hire purchase agreement, it's very difficult to get out of as you cannot use the half rule. You'll just have to try to sell the vehicle privately and pay off the leasing agreement.

If you purchased as a private individual/consumer and have paid back half or more than half of the value of the vehicle, you can return the vehicle to the leasing company under the 'half rule' arrangement with no futher payments due. Do not , however, sign a 'voluntary surrender' form or you will then be liable for futher payments.

Talk to Citizen's advice or MABS and they will explain in more detail.
Taking over a car lease

Many thanks for that. I have since been told, that if I can find someone who will take over the lease, I can walk away.

Does anyone know where I go to 'advertise this'?