Getting My Property Valued


Registered User
Hi all

I have an apartment that I would like to get valued to see how much its worth at the present time. I realise the market isnt in the best shape but i just want to get a ball park figure on the property.

Does anyone know the best people/website to go to arrange a valuation?
How much does the average valuation cost ?

If your ring a number of estate agents in your area they will give their opinion on what it would make in the market.
If you want it valued to top up mortgage etc your mortgage provider may do it for free or for a charge if you are topping up
Another option look on the likes of for apartments for sale in your area that will only give a rough guide as you won't know what they finally sell for.
If you're in Dublin I can PM you the name of a firm? I think they charge about €100 for a valuation.I haven't used them, but a friend has,who is changing his mortgage and needed a valuation prior to doing so,
If you say you are thinking of selling then you will pay nothing for the valuation.Say you want a realistic figure.
Quirkes Estate Agent in Mount St Dublin 2 :01 6621150: Mind you, I haven't used them myself yet though..Also if you're using them to get quotation for NIB, and then you switch from whoever you're with, NIB (apparently)will cover the quotation cost. I don't know if that's just if you're switching to NIB, or if it works for other mortgages switches too.
I'm hoping to get my place dolled up/painted ASAP, then valued, before anything drops any further, because the valuations stay valid for quite some time (and with a view to changing mortgage provider to a cheaper one, the better the LTV the better..) :)
Just because someone charges you €100 for a valuation doesn't mean it'll be more accurate or scientific than what a good estate agent will tell you. The only true way of finding out is to actually sell it! Short of this you're as well off getting the free quotation from an estate agent - cheaper and easier than paying a valuer
Absolutely: But if you want to use the valuation for a specific purpose,e.g. changing mortgage, you need to have it done by an approved valuer, and to have it put writing,to fulfill the lenders conditions, and there is a cost associated with this. If you purely want to get the property valued for your own information, it may make more sense to get a free valuation.
If you say you are thinking of selling then you will pay nothing for the valuation.Say you want a realistic figure.

If you are into underhand dealings and have no morals, by all means lie!
hi all

thanks for all your replies. I think i might go with estate agent quote if i can get it for free. I kind of already know what its worth but just need confrimation !
