getting my name added to deeds and mortgage


Registered User
Can anyone help here,
my husband and I have been trying to get my name added to the mortgage and deeds of our house. My husband bought the site just before we got married so it was only in his name originally. We went to our solicitor who wrote a letter to the bank, the bank never responded and he sent a second letter. They wanted us to complete a new mortgage application again. Our solicitor advised us to go to another mortgage provider/bank and we would get it done free and possibly a better rate too. However we have a good tracker rate at present plus can add lump sums with no charge. I have since taken out life assurance because we shall need this. The bank did finally agree to it but when I went in today, the staff didn't know anything about it and said we would have to reapply again for a new mortgage.
Here are a couple of options subject to your lenders authorisation

a) take a new mortgage in joint names and have the title deeds registered in joint names. This is probably the cleanest way of doing it
b) have your name added to the existing mortgage and then have the title transferred into joint names

When you are making new arrangements with your lender, ask for everything in writing. This correspondence should also be sent to your solicitor.

As you are now married neither of the above are actually necessary unless you need your income to be taken into account for additional borrowings.