getting married before final drawdown



Hi, we are currently building our house. The mortgage is in one name only as my partner is not working. I'm just wondering if we get married/have children before the final drawdown will they change the amount of the mortgage offer and not let us draw down the agreed mortgage?
I would doubt that there's any requirement in your loan offer that you have to advise your lender if you get married.
This is NOT to be taken as a comment on house prices.
A possible cause of a restricted final draw down is the falling value of the property.

If the cut off point is say 80% and the loan to value ratio at the moment is 80% based on the likely re-sale value of the house.
Should the value of the property fall, then the loan to value ratio will rise above 80% and the bank may apply a corrective measure.
One such measure which was referred to in a recent thread suggested that the bank might not be going to pay the final loan draw down.