Getting Married Abroad....


Registered User
I'm thinking of getting married abroad. I'm at the very early stages and am looking for any info on relevant web sites, locations or basically any experiences people have had good or bad.
Thanks in advance.
Think of of your guests - choose a destination to which they can fly to directly and cheaply ( perhaps a Ryanair option), I was at a wedding last yr in Spain - no direct flights therefore had to change... and it was soooo much hassle on the way back when we were wrecked after the day. Also a variety of accomodation options is good - from cheap to expensive.
We've decided to marry in Rome as mentioned above its really easy for our guests to get too, for as long or as short as they like. I got all my info on weddingsonline, pm me if you want more specific details

I completely disagree.....

Think of else !

If it's on a remote desert island 6 hours from civilisation and you like it, go for it. Your guests will go if they really want to....and if they don't then you really don't want them there in the first place !

Finally someone who talks sense, I too think that your wedding day should be about you and not filled with worries about other people and what they will think.
do agree that you should choose somewhere you want - but just want to point out that you want your guests to have a good time also, and if they are all moaning about that hassle it involved that is all they will remember from your big day...
The people we are inviting are our immediate family and close friends, we went to Rome and looked at hotels of difference prices, apartments and b&b's all in the locale of the hotel we are marrying in. I don't even expect my parents to stay in the hotel we are having the wedding in as its very expensive. When I send out the invites I'm going to add in all the options to make it as easy and as inexpensive or as expensive as they choose so that they can all come.
We choose Lanzarote, lots of flights available, lots of accomodation to suit every budget, had a ball in Shannon airport bar when the flight was delayed for 2 hours - and the 40 or so guests got to know each other.

Going away is the best crack ever, everyone is already buzzed up about going on holiday so it's even more fun with all your nearest and dearest in tow. (or maybe we're just a sociable lot ) Had two weeks of great nights and days out which everyone still talks about.

We'd have been lonely if it was just the two of us heading off somewhere distant & exotic, it's the people not the necessarily the place that made it for us although no faults with Lanzarote.

We then did the honeymoon thing a few months later with a really great ski holiday cause the wedding didn't cost the earth.

I'd advise you to do the legals in a registry office in Ireland before you go.
I'd advise you to do the legals in a registry office in Ireland before you go.

Yep - this is the best option. We did the civil part here in Dublin a few days before we flew out to Italy. Had both parent as witnesses and just went out for a meal afterwards. Decided not to make a big deal of it as the religious ceremony in Italy was the main part for us.

Traveled up to Tuscany. Rented a huge villa which allowed for both families and friends to stay in. We also provided details of hotels for extra guests.

Have to say - it was no more stressfull than Id say organising a wedding here. people really enjoyed it and it was remebered as a week or a few days away rather than one day.

I'd do it all again
Clubman that is such a blokey thing to say!! Since we've got engaged I keep being told Congratulations by friends, the h2b is only getting Commiserations with a blokey guffaw at the end. Men are strange!
Just got shown the wedding pics of a wedding on a beach in Dubai - have to say it looked stunning.

pc7 - blokes ARE strange - but soon now you will have the vows said and itll be much easier for you to whip him into shape
truthseeker he's quite partial to a bit of whipping already he he he