Getting delivery of neighbours post


Registered User
For the past ten years we have taken in parcels that the postman cant deliver to our neighbours as both work. Now I have absolutely no problem with this in principle but its just that when we go to hand it in they never seem to be there and I am constantly worrying that I will forget the parcel. On top of that I'm always asked when did that arrive and barely a word of thanks so just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. We had the same thing with couriers delivering to their door up to a few years ago, leaving heavy boxes to our house and we would have to haul them next door. I dont really want to say anything to postman.
Re: Getting ndelivery of neighbours post

if you dont say anything to the postman then nothing will change. but if you do and refuse to take in the parcel then all the postman does is leave a slip /note in your neighbours letter box telling them which regional post office they can collect it from. i live i d4 and our collection point for post that cant be delivered is in Shelbourne House on shelbourne rd. you see all you are doing is making life easier for the postman and your neighbour
Re: Getting ndelivery of neighbours post

Similar sort of problem in my house. We are getting the same post from the same company wrongly addressed to us month after month. Our house number is on it instead of our neighbours. We have then hand delivered this envelope to our neighbour who seems extremely grateful but unfortunately won't contact the company to amend the address from ours to theirs. I have been tempted to mark it not known at this address but haven't done so yet.
Re: Getting ndelivery of neighbours post

I sympathise with you as I have been caught over the years in similiar situations with neighbours whom I have helped out with considerable effort on my part and little appreciation on theirs. In fact with one particular crowd, they thought we were a dog minding service, not that I would have a problem with that, but once the favour or job was done for them, they would then barely salute you. So I woke up. Now I will always help out anyone who is stuck but for routine stuff, sorry I don't do that anymore. Once you get over the idea that you must do this sort of thing, it's very easy to stop being so obliging or a doormat as I was. So , meet the postman and tell him you won't be able to take in mail for anyone in future; you are not happy with the responsibility of it in case anything happens to it. The post is his job, not yours and you're under no obligation to help ungrateful people.When I thought about all the 'favours' I was doing , I realised that it was an inadequacy in myself that didn't allow me to say No.
Re: Getting ndelivery of neighbours post

Excellent post;that last bit in bold summed me up!!
Re: Getting ndelivery of neighbours post

Yes, excellent post.
Thanks a mil. Those posts have given me the confidence to approach my postman and tell him I'm no longer able to take their post. Like you I feel like a door mat alright. These people are too busy with their lives to even say 'hello' sometimes and I feel their attitude is oh sure she is at home, nothing better to do. I even went to the trouble of taking their dog in for them on one occasion when he got out, I wrote a note explaining that their side gate was open etc but nothing was ever said to me.
You're welcome and the real trick is to stay pleasant but stick to your guns!!!
After all you are just as busy in the home and if you did have the time, I'm sure you would want to occupy yourself with either worthwhile volunteering or paid employment not thankless scut work!!!!
the old saying "if you work for nothing, you'll never be idle" springs to mind here.