Getting Copy Documents Notarised


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What is the simplest and cheapest way to get a large number of documents notarised, by Solicitor or a seperate Notary Public?

How is this generally charged?
I have a lot of experience in getting document notarised having completed nearly 2 adoptions (should have the second completed after Christmas).
We've used a notary public for all our numerous documents. I can recommend our guy but if you have a look at this website to find one near you. Ring a few to get a good price.
Our guy charges about E10 per document but for our adoption dossiers there was a fixed rate. We paid E400 for the last one. It was probably about 100 pages and there were 2 copies.

I dont think you will beat that price, usually 10 to 15 euros for the first page and 4 euros for every signature afterthat!
Thanks for the replies.

I'm gobsmacked it costs that much to photocopy something and stamp and sign it? I have about 30 documents to supply, most are 1 page but 3 docs are about 30 pages each. There is no skill involved, no interpretation, no discretion being exercised, simply the time it takes to make a photocopy, stampt it and sign it.
There is 30 mins work involved at best. Why does it cost so much?

Am I missing something?

Surely there is some notary or solicitor out there who would do that for a lot less than €400?
Bay the way, best of luck with your adoption gabsdot I hope it all goes soomthly for you.
You're not charged based on the size of the doc, but the number of signatures. So, if there's only one signature page on your 30-page doc, that's only €10 (or whatever the price is).