Getting builder to Finish Job


Registered User

We got a builder in to do some work on the house, and stupidly paid him before the snag list was complete. He promises he's coming back to do the work but it's been nearly a month now and no sign of him - he won't even answer his phone now. Is there anything we can do?


yeah just hound him and hopefully force him into finishing the work :(
Find out where he's working now and keep visiting him on site there - you will eventually bump into the people he's working for now. They may be interested to know that he will not complete the snag list if he is paid, so it may prompt him to finish for you!
Thanks, guys - he seemed completely above board up to now, he's done work for us before and was grand, invited us to family barbecues and stuff, but at the end of this job, he just seemed to go to pot altogether. I'll just keep at him - if not, we'll have to pay for it ourselves which is quite annoying. Lesson definitely learned though - in future we won't pay until the job is completely finished to satisfaction!
Builder broke balcony doors

I posted earlier on my builder not having finished his job, but as it turns out, he broke the balcony doors so now they won't close at all. Admittedly, they were a little on the wonky side before he got to them, but now we have to put a box in front of them to keep them closed. He won't pay for it now - is it at the point where I should get a solicitor's letter?
Duplicate threads merged - don't create duplicate posts/threads on essentially the same topic:
Sorry, didn't mean to duplicate, but thought as it's a separate issue (first was him not finishing, second was him breaking something) I should create a separate thread. Apologies.