Getting BOI Tracker back, possible?


Registered User
Hi guys. I bought a house back in 2005 with a friend.

We went for a trackers, ECB + 1.1%

About 3 years in, we fixed for 3 years, after which, BOI put us on a variable... I asked why we didn't go back on our tracker and they just said it wasn't possible.

I have read reports of people getting their trackers back and being compensated for being overcharged while on variable rates.

I asked my bank for our original contract, and they sent me back everything but this...

I kind of got side tracked, had some other things going on... now, I'm just thinking of looking back into it.

A few questions for those in the know

  • Is it possible to get our tracker back?
  • Is it difficult?
  • Are there any agencies that can handle such a case, like a no win no fee operation?