Getting Around VRT

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As a way around paying VRT could you:
Buy a car in northern ireland, gift it to a northern irish resident.
Have the northern irish resident 'move' to ireland briefly and register it using the 6 month rule , then buy the car back from them.

Any obvious pitfalls in this assuming you have a 100% trustworthy co-party. I know it goes against the spirit of the legislation but is it technically illegal?

I have given up trying to use the revenues vrt calculator, haven't managed to get a car to appear on it yet.
This proposal is clearly an attempt at tax evasion, which is illegal.

Such activities are not encouraged or supported on this site.
The rules state that the person importing must have owned the car for 6 months before moving here and can not sell it for 12 months after.
You could do it - but the NI person would need to prove that they are really moving to Ireland. They would need proof that they are renting or buying a place and that they have a means of support.
I should have said I moved from the UK to Ireland, and I know the burden of proof they require to waive VRT is considerable. I had to show them bank statements, insurance documents, along with proof of residence in both the UK and Ireland. It was quite a traumatic experience!
read better then

why is 'move' in quotes? surely that implies that the person will not actually move
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