getting another mortgage?


Registered User
my husband and i already have a 100% mortgage on a house since oct 06 but we are considering selling. when we got this first mortgage i was permanent in my job. i have since got a better paid job but cannot be made permanent for four years. does this make a difference when applying for a new mortgage? we will not be applying for 100% this time. my husband is resonably well paid and permanent. can anyone help on this?
i have since got a better paid job but cannot be made permanent for four years.
This sounds odd unless you are a contractor at the moment? How come this is the case?
my husband is resonably well paid and permanent. can anyone help on this?
How much is outstanding on the first mortgage, how much is the house likely to sell for, how much do you both earn, what savings/debts do you have otherwise, how much are you looking to borrow etc...?
got job with hse,working with people there for years and still not permanent! husband earns about 33,000 i earn about 24,000. 10,000euro loan nearly paid off. no other debts.
no not a contractor- just regular employee-on the payroll. its just the way it is there. i work 9-5, mon-fri. :(
Then once you have served the relevant probationary period you should be OK as far as a mortgage application is concerned presumably?
Hi Delisha
My husband & I were recently approved for €280,000 mortgage. Neither of us is in permanent employment - he is on probation in new job, and my job is contractual by nature, with v. little chance of permanency, although I have been doing it for 6 yrs. However we only looked for 85% of house price as we had the deposit. They just requested proof of earnings for last 2 yrs - its UB btw
hi sarah, we bought for 234k. we owe 225k. bought it as a builders finish so have spent a bit on it. maybe we won't make the money back on it-i dunno.