getting access to a persons criminal record


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Long story short, i have heard from someone (reliable) that my sisters boyfriend was convicted of sexual assualt 11 years ago, i told my sister and she asked me could i look into it for her before confronting him.

Sister is staying with me for a few weeks trying to get her head around this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Am i legally entitled to do that, to check another persons criminal background???

thank you
I once had a road rage incident, and went to the Garda station and reporded the plate number. The Garda ran the name through the computer, and responded "Oh, yes, we've head of him before", I'd construe that as letting me know the bloke had a record.. Maybe that's all you need? nod and a wink.....

Thank you for that, maybe it is just as simple as that, we're both here thinking that we'll have to go through all sorts of legal channels and such. but maybe the Garda may be sympathetic to our situation.

I wonder is there any access to a sex offenders register or is there no such thing in Ireland???
With witnesses around who will intervene.

And be ready for the usual excuses.

You could also try just googling his name, sometimes convictions make it into online versions of newspapers - although 11 years ago is a long shot.
To be fair to the guy, 11 years is a long time.

And be sure to independently check the source and circumstances.

Three have been plenty of horror tales of guys going out with girls to who looked their age but weren't and lied about it.

If caught, its an open and shut case, ignorance is no defence, with the guy having little or no chance of remaining unconvicted even though no crime was intended.

hi all,

thank for replies,

my sister is living with me now, she would rather have the facts of this than to be lied to. as i said in original post its a long story but we just want to know the truth and we feel he may not tell us the truth.

Who knows what way he will react, if she asks him straight out

this has been a real shock to us
Hi kitty.

A guy i worked with years ago has a criminal conviction for sexual assault.

it happened at a house party when he and the girl were both very drunk.

The following morning the girl accused him and he was eventually convicted and spent time in jail.

I can't and wouldn't assume to know what happened because i wasn't there, but sometimes things happen that no-one except those present know the absolute truth. And maybe sometimes it can happen that even those who are there don't know the full truth.

i can fully understand how yourself and your sister feel, and your need for an answer. maybe the shadow of the conviction (if it's true) will always be a barrier between them and it might be best to finish the relationship now.

best of luck.
Who knows what way he will react, if she asks him straight out

Just to side step from the original issue for a moment. If your sister is in a relationship with someone whom she feels she cannot ask a straight question to then I would think there is no real point in continuing the relationship anyway.

Also if she feels he may lie about it and that she cannot trust his answer - there would seem little point in continuing the relationship at all.

If a relationship does not have mutual trust and respect as its foundation then it is not worth continuing with.

Its possible that the sexual assualt story is simply a story, no basis in fact etc... But I dont understand how the guy would be able to prove that if you feel before even asking him that he would lie about it. There would always be an element of doubt, even if he could come up with proof that there was no criminal record, would your sister be doubting her assessment of him as a character, fearful that perhaps there is no smoke without fire etc?

Whatever the truth happens to be, the mere fact that she may not trust his answer, and is concerned to how he might react if asked about this is enough reason to cut the relationship loose imo.
Why was this 'reliable source' doing background checks on this person in the first place? - Is there more to this story?
Why was this 'reliable source' doing background checks on this person in the first place? - Is there more to this story?

yes, there is more to this story but its not mine to tell. We just want the truth. my sister is staying with me indefinitly because this has had such a huge impact on her. She just wants to know the truth about this man and if he has lied about this, what else has he lied about.

We just want facts, and is there a somewhere a person can go to get these.

Thank you