Getting a US PO address - mail forwarding


Registered User
Does anyone know if there's a web site that will provide a mail forwarding service to allow you to order US-only goods? I thought I read something before about such a site but can't find it now.

And no, I'm not looking to ship over iPods or anything like that. Would you believe it's to try and get Inka Cola as a b'day present for the fiance, who fell in love with it in Peru.
Try here - there was another one I had in my Favourites but can't locate it - If I do I'll post it - get it ! - here.
Thank you so much xeresod - it's the one I knew but couldn't think of, you have just saved me going nuts trying to think of it !!!
the customs are very very hot on goods coming in from the usa at the moment. just watch the value.
I don't think a €4 bottle of Inka Cola is going to raise eyebrows!!! Mind, it might not pass food safety legislation, but that's a different issue!!! :)