Getting a spot on TV3 - AM program


Registered User
Hi All,

I've started a new company recently and sell a couple of cool home electronic products that TV3 AM program generally seem to have an interest in. Does anybody have any good contacts that I could talk to or ideas about the best way of approaching them?

All you need to do is phone them, but beware the team are incredibly lazy and will expect you to work around them. They may cancel your slot last minute and will expect you to come again whenever it suits. The highlight though will be the histrionics from one of the hosts who has no shame. You'd get more coverage and interest in an item from a radio show like Ray D'Arcy or Orla Barry etc.
You must be an inspirational team leader Clubman.
Eh? I wasn't referring to the original poster's idea but rather the quality of morning TV programme content in general and TV3's in particular. The fact that they generally put cover all sorts of rubbish presumably means that one's chance of getting a slot about anything is increased?
Hi Guys, thanks for your feedback. I rang up and got a slot. It's free press and if I get some sales out of it I'll be happy..
be sure to include a photo of the item in your first email
(its television, they'll want to see the "look" of the item)