Getting a mortgage



When i was 17 my father built a house in my name there was no mortgage taken out to complete it. I was aware of this even though i was naive in signing for the house to be in my name. Now i am 32 and i am looking to buy property, does the above have an impact on my first time buyer status?
Oooh . . I would have thought that 'first-time buyer' is a misnomer for 'first-time mortgage holder'; and that you would be a first-timer now looking at a house purchase.
As this property was registyered in your name you will not qualify as a FTB in respect of further purchases.
Even if you're not regarded as a FTB, purchases in 2012 you will get mortgage interest relief of 15% on up to €3000 (single) / €6000 (married) interest per year until end 2017.
Can I ask how you can claim mortgage interest relief if you are not a first time buyer??