Getting a mortgage using property as kind of a deposit.


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BF owns half a house which he intends to rent as the market is not good for selling at the moment. The house was purchased for 178K 3 years ago and the present market value is 250k.

We intend on buying a house soon but we do not have a deposit.

Can we use the other ouse as a kind of deposit on the new house or how can we get around our dilemma??
Thanks for the useful advice!! but I was looking for a bit more guidance. Saving a deposit will take ages and it is a buyers market at the minute so we don't want to lose out.

Can equity be released in a house after 3 years??
Although the bank may allow you to increase the mortgage on the first property so that you get cash out immediately, they may ask what it's for and I thought there was a general reluctance for banks to give someone a mortgage if they have to "borrow" for the deposit. However, if you have equity, there's no time limit/minimum period before you can release it as far as I know. The bank may be sceptical about the 250k valuation and will have that independently verified.

In a best case scenario, let's say you can liberate 47k from the existing house (leaving you a 90% mortgage based on the 250k valuation), they will need to see that you can pay back the mortgage on the original house with the rent - they assume (i) 10 months' occupancy in every 12 (ii) 10% maintenance fees per annum and (iii) a "stress test" to ensure that you can make repayments out of that money if the interest rate goes to 6.75% (AIB picks this rate anyway - don't know what other banks use) - at a borrowing level of 225k, your repayments will be in the 1200 per annum region (you can check exactly using any of the mortgage calculators) so you'd want to be renting the place out for prob at least 1400 per month.

You gotta talk to the bank - they will tell you soon enough if you can do what you propose. I'd say there will still be houses out there after the week it takes you to arrange to meet them! I found AIB very good for getting me a good idea about these things (rental returns, quick overview of how much you can borrow); although I probably won't go with them because of higher interest rates.

"Buyers market", don't believe the hype. The same spoofers who are peddling this nonsense where peddling a "soft landing" a year ago. Prices have fallen and will continue to fall for at least another 2 years.
I went to Mortgage provider and explained our situation. He advised that we would have no problem realeasing equity to fund deposit for new house. He did mention having two separate loans though for the existing mortgage and the equity release. I found this a bit strange as I now fear that we will end up having 2 mortgages and the equity release loan. Does this mean that we will have a 25k loan over the term of the mortgage?
I went to Mortgage provider and explained our situation. ... Does this mean that we will have a 25k loan over the term of the mortgage?
Could you ask the mortgage provider to supply you with specifics regarding the proposal he seemed keen to peddle?
I spoke with broker and he advised that existing mortgage provider will release the 25K that we need at the following rate:

· 3 year fixed rate @ 6.09%
· 5 year fixed rate @ 5.89%

The above are the only two options that they are willing to offer.

Would I be right in estimating that if we opted for the 5 year fixed rate that we would have to repay approx 450-500 per month for the equity release loan?

This sounds like a pretty poor deal to me. We could not possibly afford to pay mortgage plus repay the loan. It just seems crazy.

We are now thinking of putting the existing property on the market at a price below similar property in the area in a bid to sell it off altogether.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I think you are calculating 25K @ 5.89% over a five year term. You could look into extending the top up for the duration of the existing mortgage. Its generally a better idea to keep additional borrowings over as short a term as possible though.
"I think you are calculating 25K @ 5.89% over a five year term. You could look into extending the top up for the duration of the existing mortgage. Its generally a better idea to keep additional borrowings over as short a term as possible though."

Yes I was calculating 25K @ 5.89% over 5 years. If we spread the payments over the term of the mortgage we would proberly end up paying double the amount borrowed!!

I am thinking now that I may be better off applying for a new mortgage with partner and buying his brother out. The house was purchased for 178K 3 years ago and the present market value is 250k so if we applied for a joint mortgage for current value of house we could pay off brother and still have 25K cash to use for deposit on new house. This however would depend on a mortgage provider giving us 100% mortgage. Are these still available? We earn approx just under 80K combined.
Hi BrokeAgain,

I think you should sit down with the broker you spoke to and then also get a second opinion, as well, try to establish how you would cope if rates rose by a further 2% and also how you may be affected if the prices of your properties fell. The current market cycle may favour buyers but that doesn't make the 'buyers market' a 'favourable market', property in Gaza is cheap, that doesn't mean its a deal. Of course the analogy i have given is extreme in example but I would suggest you really do your homework on this or you may run the risk fullfilling your screen name.

good luck!