Getting a Local authority mortgage - self build


Registered User
Hi All,

Can anyone advise if is possible to get a LA mortgage for a self build? I've emailed my local council, but got no reply, but, it says on there website that they do, for people who can't get approved for a mortgage through the normal process.

Has anyone experience in getting a mortgage from the council, and if its possible.

Please note this is to self build on my own site, that i have planning for, NOT for buying-out a local authority house, nor for social housing..
Hello Edwardm

It is possible to get approval for this type of mortgage however it does depend on the LA and if they offer it.

Can I ask you why are you going through the LA when you own the site??
Have you sought approval from any financial Institution??

My email is if you want to know more about getting mortgage approval for a self build property and i will be more than happy to help.
Hi there,

I'm trying to go done the LA route as i have a dreadful credit history, and will have for the next few years. Trying to steer clear of the sub prime lenders , not even sure if there are still operating in this current climate..

...thats why i was thinking LA mortgage.. if they do so..