Getting a loan with no proof of address



Hi all,

Firstly - I'm a long time reader of this forum and wanna say thanks to all who contribute, it's a brilliant source of info!

I'm currently buying a house in Northern Ireland to live in (the majority of my work is based up there). While I've been working up there, I've been living in accommodation provided by work (who were also paying my bills), but managed to open a northern bank account using my home family address in the south (where my parents live). I'm currently seeking a loan for about £10,000 for some improvements I would like to make to the property when it's finally bought, but I'm having difficulty because I have a northern bank account, with no proof of address in the north, so a northern lender won't give me a loan...and on the other hand, I have a southern address (that I can't fully prove because there are no utility bills or insurance, etc., in my name), and a southern bank account with no income being paid into it (because it's all paid into my northern account), so a southern lender isn't likely to give me a loan.

I figured my best bet is to apply with my own bank in the north, because they obviously already trust my southern address is mine, but they have turned me down because they have yet to see how I deal with my pending mortgage.

Any advice would be very much appreciated because I'm now really not sure where to go from here, but need to make necessary improvements before I can move in.

Many thanks!

Other possibly helpful info:
House price: £195,000
Mortgage: 90%, 40 years
Repayments: £675 per month
Take home pay: £3220 per month
Hi Brian,

Could you or your employer contact the utility companies and request your name to be added to the bills, this may suffice as proof of address?

When they add your name to the bill just ask for a copy of the last bill that was sent with your name added - there shouldnt be an issue with the company requesting your name to be added as it is not a change of tenancy / ownership.

Thanks for your response

The company I work for actually pay another company for the rental of the accommodation and then get invoiced for the bills, so my company isn't actually responsible for bill-paying directly. I spoke to a guy at the company that actually owns the property, and they weren't willing to add my name to the bills.
