Getting a loan after having a judgement lifted, is it possible?



Evening All,

I recently had a judgement applied against my mortgage over a debt that I thought my so called solicitor was dealing with but as it turns out that was not the case, but that's another story.

Anyway, I have made arrangements to have the debt cleared by paying it off, I think "full & final settlement" was the phrase my new solicitor used, and I am still waiting on the formalities to be finalised but fortunately the end is in sight for this problem.

However, God seems to give with one hand and take with the other... shortly after handing over the bank draft to clear the debt my car went belly up and I'm now looking at 2 choices...

1) Replace the engine for a cost of between €2000 and €3000


2) Get a new, or at least a new to me, car

While I can just about afford to change the engine on my car, now seems like a good time to change car from petrol to diesel and come up in the years a bit, so, my question is this....

Now that the judgement issue is almost at an end is it possible for me to get a loan or even HP on a car or have I been blacklisted and can kiss goodbye to the idea of getting credit any time soon?

I got a copy of my credit report from the ICB and it only lists my past loans, which are all perfect I might add, no missed payments ever. It does not mention my current mortgage (again, no missed payments) or my current credit cards (which are always paid off).

Can anyone help with this one?

And just so you know, I'm in a permanent job, as is my wife, with low mortgage payments.

Thanks in advance,

Should'nt be a problem if your credit report is ok. This is the primary source of credit searches for banks.
Thanks Brendan, hopefully that's one less thing to worry about then.

As an aside, going slightly off thread here, do you know a reason why do my current credit cards and mortgage now show up on the credit report or is that a question for ICB?

