Whilst some cities in Eastern Germany are showing good growth and an improvement in unemployment rates things are still very low there. I have invested in Berlin which has some Eastern characteristics such as a low property value base and it also has some western characteristics in good infrastructure, capital city, media and entertainment centre, tourist trade, etc.. The beauty of investing here is that the base is still very low but you are operating in a massive country, superb efficiency, infrastructure good. I think it does not have the same level of risk as other countries such as Rumania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Turkey, etc.Also the night life in Berlin is second to none - visit a jazz club, night club, bars, restaurants (?), 'other' clubs,. In Kreuzberg you could sit beside ethnic Germans eating Currywurst and drinking beer, Turks smoking and talking soccer, Punks just looking like punks, muslims in yashmaks, Americans looking for their ancestors and Irish looking at property. Super blend.