Geothermal pump & hydro microturbine




I am planning a build of a new house and wish to use Geothermal heating. At the back of the property is a fast enough flowing river, so I was playing with the idea of putting a micro-hydro turbine in there, generating electricity, and using this to power the heat-pump of the geo-thermal system. Wondering if anyone has tried the same or got any pointers? ... for example, what output would I require from the turbine to power the heat pump etc?


The power demand depends on the make, ask the manufacturers for details. Check also with the fishery board and the planning office for the detailed technical and legal demands placing a turbine into the the water. We had a thread here on AAM about heatpumps, make sure you get a geothermal heatpump and not an overdimensioned slow reacting soil based solar collector. See the SEI site for the suiability of your site.They have a map showing the geothermal heat in various depth of Ireland.
Good luck !
Friend of mine bought a NIBE heatpump and windows in Poland for very good prices.