Geothermal installation


Registered User
I am interested in installing a heat pump to heat a new house.
I am wondering how much space the collector for a ground source heat pump takes up on site.
I have heard you need 600m of pipe layed 1m deep and 1 meter apart
My site measures 83m x 34m and my house is 260m2 in size
Any fiqures from people out there who have it installed would be great.

I have considered the verticle collector, but have had fiqures of €18000 to drill the hole !!

Also, anyone out there installed an air source heat pump ?, would be interested in how this system worked from an installation and running costs view
The captor area will depend on the size of the heatpump needed to heat the house.
You are right about the 1m dept, it can be deeper, the more soil on top, the more heat retained. 1m apart I don't think is too far off, more like 2 ft.
A brine system will require more piping than a Direct expansion (DX) system.

It takes up a lot of room alright, off the top off my head I think ours is about 30ft wide and 90ft long.

18k for the drill hole sound way off, only way to find out is price it.

Air sourced, I personally am not a fan after seening how muh they cost people to run, but this is also down to poor installation. ASHP are the least efficent, if u can afford a bore hole or vertical heat pump I would go for it, if not then geo, Air Sourced would the last choice.
Lots of discussions on heat pumps on With the rise in electricity prices there seems to be s growing consensuses that you are better spending the money on extra insulation, a heat recovery system and putting in a normal (gas, oil, wood pellets etc) heating system.