Generic Drugs, Pharmacy prices and Multinationals...


Registered User
I was just musing the other day after paying 75 euros for tablets for minor complaints as to why we make so little use of generic drugs in this country. I'm no expert but I get the idea we could save massively on our drugs bill by using non-brand name drugs. Is this a case of not wishing to annoy the big multinationals here?


Why don't we use generic drugs? Because doctors are wined and dined by the pharmacutical companies, they generic drugs just may not be on their radar. Doctors don't perscribe them because they may not know about them.

Think of how many generic drugs you or I know off hand? Not very many coz of the money spend on advertising. Same for the docs...

Next time you are in with your pharmacist ask them if there are any generic alternatives and then when getting your perscription renewed by the good doc ask them about perscribing drug x.
If you want generic medicines, ask your doctor to prescribe the generic name and not the brand.

Technically, a pharmacist is breaking the law by supplying a generic when a brand has been prescribed.

Technically - there is no technically, they are allowed to give anything other than what is perscribed.