GenderAnalyzer - Determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman!

But then again, I can't find any men contributing to rollercoaster

We think [broken link removed] is written by a woman (87%).
I'm getting worried about myself now- my website is gender neutral, slight preference for male. I've been a solicitor for too long...
I went shopping for a dress today because intuitively I knew that the star signs very favourable to me. I sensed that Pisces was in the ascendant or was it Gemini? I am not so sure. But then again I am not very good at things like that. I tried on 20 dresses at least but I could not make my mind up.

Then I went shopping for make-up as it is so important so that a girl looks her best. Of course, I only looked for products which were not tested on animals and which were completely natural and wholesome.

It’s important to nurture and to feel and to hold and to be held. Emotions are so important J J J

I like cooking for the children and always try to find organic food. Parenting skills are something which I am trying to improve on all the time. Organic food is what we grow by working in harmony with mother earth.

How lovely you all look today! I feel so warm about alternative health and psychology. It’s important to be in touch with the real you, the inner being, the harmonious one. The Yin and the Yin. It’s so romantic and fuzzy. Am I making any sense at all? Who cares? Caring is important as motherhood and milk. Lovely sunsets. And the moon rising.

It’s so romantic and fuzzy. Am I making any sense at all? Who cares? Caring is important as motherhood and milk. Lovely sunsets. And the moon rising.


LOL. This is your take on a stereotypical woman, eh Brendan? Hilarious.
Lets cut out the bullsh*t and get straight to the point. I was right. I am always right. I wake up in the morning and spend three minutes max in the bathroom. That bloody razor has nicked me. Where's the new packet? I left the new pack of razors on the floor. Why do you always have to move stuff. I can never find anything around here.
I throw on yesterdays clothes. Yes I can get dressed in two minutes. What do you mean I shouldn't wear brown and navy together. They're fine. Why? Because I said so. And I'm always right. You want to talk? Right I'll talk. Ears are for listening with you say? Nonsense. Anything worth saying comes from my mouth and my mouth only.

I'm a big man. You say I'm five foot six. Men are the only people who can measure accurately. When will you realise that? Right enough talking. My Russian Diver extreme sports digital stopwatch has just gone off. The car is leaving in one minute exactly. Damn that bloody twat of a driver in front. Didn't she see I was revving up behind her at 90 mph. Is she bloody blind? Where's my mobile. I'm going to report her. That'll show her!

I'm busy. I'm important. Everyone knows that. My tee off is in twenty three minutes exactly and I want to have three quick pints with the lads before we start the competition. Of course I won! Losing is for wimps.

Whats the time? I have to get back to oversee and instruct the tradesman who is rewiring the house. Its vital to show them who's boss. I know how to turn on and off the lightswitch just as well as the next man.

Right I'm off.

Note: We think is written by a man (63%)
It's telling me I am a man too (94% on one of my posts)

When people tell me I had a lot of balls, maybe they were not metaphorically speaking!
It's telling me I am a man too (94% on one of my posts)

When people tell me I had a lot of balls, maybe they were not metaphorically speaking!

We should go for a pint sometime.

This one says I'm 92% man (it must be that first Tuesday of every month that accounts for the other 8% )... are you in denial per chance

Bet you had to try a lot of posts before you got that result...LOL.