Gender specific jobs around the house.

Our system is based on the caveman model, things concerning outside the cave (bins, lawns, cars etc) and interacting the outside world (forms etc.)are mine, things concerning inside the house would be her domain.

But of course she rules her domain and in her domain her minions do her bidding, so I'm regularly called on to do jobs inside the house. I know she shouldnt have to ask, but at least I do when called upon so I think thats fair enough, I'm just very 'relaxed' about tidiness !! I hear of some men who will do most things but absolutely refuse to do some things like scrub the jacks or change a stinky napply - grow a pair lads.

Anyone else have a partner who is perfectly capable of doing a full time and responsible job but whenever ye are together you are the only one who can make enquiries, ring people, sort out any admin or hassle? Just strikes me as funny !!
... do ye then dump the hoover bag ... just in case they're still wriggling around in there like?

Nope - and yes, they do come back to haunt us a lot of the time, however himself wont use any other method except squashing, Im against squashing, but if I cant do the glass trick then that only leaves hoover. I often find a hoover bag victim wandering away from the hoover cupboard the next day, at which point I try to employ the glass. Interestingly, most guys who come back out dont stretch out as much when they first see the world again and I do manage to glass them and put them outside - at which point they tend to go big again and run off

Do you have other staff to serve meals and answer the door?
There is only one chore that Mrs Teabag and I will not share except for taking out the bins...

She makes the brown bread.
I do most of the eating.
