gears crunching in second gear and oil everywhere..?????


Registered User
hi all,
I am no way mechanically minded when it comes to my van so please excuse my ignorance (or stupidity),

i have a '03 renault master van, today when i was driving home it started to make a funny cruchy noise when changing gear.....eventually the noise got louder and worse (was mainly when changed into 2nd gear and a little in 3rd) it got to the point where i nearly could'nt drive it anymore, lucky for me i was just at my house at this point,

however as i drove up to the house it burst out oil everywhere and now i havent got the faintest what it is,obviously something to do with the gearbox but what exactly or is it at all ???
does this sound familiar to anyone,will it cost much to get fixed ????

any help greatly appreciated...