


What is the story with gazzumping in Ireland ? Is it still legal ?
Are any moves being made by the Government to remove this horrible practice ?
What is the story with gazzumping in Ireland ? Is it still legal ?
Are any moves being made by the Government to remove this horrible practice ?

I think in the present climate that gazzundering is more likely to be a problem.

I think in the present climate that gazzundering is more likely to be a problem.


:D :D :D


I have spoke to agents on more than one property and have been told it is sale agreed, end of story - they do not look to take further, so I presumed that guzumping was not a common practice in Ireland.

in the past few years i am aware of many instances of gazzumping, many leaving most bitter aftertastes with affected parties. Higher bids being placed after a deposit is taken MUST be passed onto the client by the EA, it is then the client who decides to accept or not. I do know agents that recommended they do go with the gazzump but in my opinion many would not - because its less hassle, less rows etc.. the extra fee would not be worth the bad name, complaints etc... I wonder in a market of 'gazzundering' who's fault will it be, the buyers will now be the bad guys, the vendors the victims and the EA probably still the bad guy