Gay Byrne for President!!


Registered User
So, would you vote for him? He would certainly be a popular choice.

He recently said he lost a pile of money in the last few years so if he got the gig that would be sorted. Plus, it would free up a slot on RTE for some up and coming nephews or nieces, sons or daughters of current RTE stars to make an impact.

So why not. Gay Byrne for President. He's got my vote.
Seems as though the country still wants a 'Gay' in some shape or form as President now that David Norris is out!
I would vote for him no problem,he would do a great job.

Heard on the radio Mary Hanifin is looking for the FF nod,I nearly crashed the car I was laughing so hard.
Can Mary Robinson run again? Or better again can we just say they we can't afford the electoral bs with the line up of clowns and tell Mary McAleese that she has to stay there for another 4 yrs.
Gay Burn though! - does this mean that Ryan Tubridy or Pat Kenny are going to be future contenders!! No one from the entertainment industry should be allowed enter - jeez Jedward in the future - stop that madness now before it gets worse.
I would vote for him no problem,he would do a great job.

Heard on the radio Mary Hanifin is looking for the FF nod,I nearly crashed the car I was laughing so hard.

Even after losing her seat she still doesn't realise the country is sick of Fianna Fail.
I know most of the nation loves him but I just find him to be a horrible patronising old codger.

I know most of the nation loves him but I just find him to be a horrible patronising old codger.

I'm with you on your assessment!

And Gay Mitchell- dull as dike-water, don't want him to be the face of the nation. Mary Hannifan, another one with a glorified sense of self-importance. I'd nearly like to see her run to see her lose AGAIN and AGAIN look shocked by it.

Sean Gallagher would get my vote, I think he has a bit of usefulness about him and at least the job wouldn't be a retirement home for some politician past their sell by date with notions.
Wouldn't mind seeing Brian Crowley in there either, a nice guy, intelligent, humble. All of which means he probably wont be deemed suitable for Fianna Fail to put forward.
Not with you on your assessment on Gay, I like his new show and that is what he is good at so wouldn't vote for him as a president.

So far Sean Gallagher will probably get my vote though but if Brian Crowley is there I'd also consider him.
The economy has tanked, we up to our necks in trouble, and now Gaybo... what did we do to deserve all this bad luck? You'd think after 700 yrs of the Brits we were due a bit of luck. Now we're back to the Ireland of Angela's ashes and Gaybo. Could we not ask Bono to stand and at least share the pain with the rest of the world?
Fair points made by all, But for as long as I can remember Gay byrne always had a touch of class about him, To be the top broadcaster in this country for decades and never having dropped his high standards has me wishing he got involved in real politics a long time ago. Some people would have had grandparents, Parents and themselves sitting in front of the telly being entertained by Gaybo for years and criticised him simply because he was a pro, Typical irish attitude. Can you imagine any situation where Gay is representing Ireland and not being a great listener and having a story to tell from his knowledge of our country and the characters he met down through the years, I would imagine he would impress anyone he meets or greets, This man has been knocked back financially more than once and still gets up and on with it, He puts the other self serving egotistical canidates to shame.

While my first post was a tad tongue in cheek I agree with the points above.
Brian O'Driscoll maybe? What about Colin Farrell?

I firmly believe that the President should have some sort of political experience. This isn't celebrity Big Brother.
It's the "foot in the door" fear that troubles me most.

While you could make a case for Gaybo, it would set a horrible precedent. We'd have President Tubridy shortly after Gaybo's state funeral. He's said before that he'd be interested in politics and this sort of cermonial role where you get to meet the great and the good without having to get your hands dirty would suit him pefectly.

This depresses me more than the state of the economy.