gas fire vs solid fuel fire


Registered User
Hi There,

We have bought a new house and have to decide whether we would like a solid fuel fire or a gas fire. I don't fancy the idea of lugging ashes and briquettes through the house but this isn't really an issue for my boyfriend. I know solid fuel open fires aren't very energy efficient but does anyone have any opinions which one is a better option in general? I know we would have to fork out for a gas fire initially. We would only be using the fire for a couple of hours in the evening.
I'm very close to tossing a coin on this one so any advice would be appreciated!

I have had a gas fire installed for the last ten years. I find it brilliant. No mess or fumes and really economical to run. I would however advise you to buy the best model available.

Like you, we only use our fire in the evening. There is instant atmosphere in the room when ignited and I love the fact that you can extinguish it instantly too when going out. Most people visting do not even realise the fire is not "real".

I have a few other rental properties some of which have had solid fuel fires. We endeavoured to change them where possible. Much more successful than dragging in fuel to a sitting room. We use LPG as Natural Gas is not available in our area. We have the fire piped to cylinders outside beside our oil tanks. The fireplace is on an external wall and of course the room is vented.

It's true that solid fuel fires can be messy and are probably not heat efficient - but nothing compares to a real open fire in my opinion. It takes me less than ten minutes to clean out and light my fire every evening, and I think it is well worth it. But it really is all about what you yourself would prefer. If you don't have a hankering for a real fire, then you may be better off with a gas one.
Gas cleaner. Bear in mind too that you end up having to decorate sooner with a gas fire.. leaves everything filthy.