Gas certificate of non conformance


Registered User
After installation of new gas boiler we were issued with Cert. of non conformance as follows: "no visible earth bonding on gas pipework". The basic installation has been there since 2000, and serviced yearly but this issue was never raised before.

Looking online seems to be the case that an earth connection must be made from close to the gas meter to the earth bar in the electricity consumer unit. As our gas meter is on our outside front wall and the consumer unit is under the stairs this implies the daunting prospect of lifted carpets, raised floorboards etc in order to make such a connection.

Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience of this and is there a more simple solution?
No, still connected. The notice says "gas left on pending rectification". "Non conformance" is lower level than "Hazard" according to the form.
In the case of "Hazard" the gas would turned off.
I know a pain but it is a safety item if there is a gas leak or boiler issue.
Not a big job for any electrician.
yES, simply wire an earth to the piping.
yES, simply wire an earth to the piping.
Do you mean run an earth from any convenient spot, (eg a nearby 13 amp socket) and not all the way to the fuse board, would that be acceptable?
Sorry for late reply, I thought my query had sunk without trace!
Do you mean run an earth from any convenient spot, (eg a nearby 13 amp socket) and not all the way to the fuse board, would that be acceptable?
Sorry for late reply, I thought my query had sunk without trace!
Not that simple. Have a competent electrician carry out that work.