Gas Boiler Problem


Registered User
Does anyone know what might be wrong with my boiler and how I might fix it?! It is a Wall mounted potterton dual boiler. It only intermittently ignites when turned on and turns off before it heats anything. I have checked the thermostat settings etc which look fine. I also cleaned the spark plug (if thats the correct term!!) Anyone any ideas?
Have you checked the gas valve? Is it open? Was the boiler serviced within this heating season?
I also have a potterton boiler, which is about 4 years old and it is doing the same thing. Sometimes it will light no bother and then after a while lock out (red light flashes). I have to keep resetting the boiler.

I called out Bord Gais for a service and was told that the circuit board is gone. It would cost about €450 to get fixed. He said that we could leave it and keep resetting it. We still have to decide whether to get it fixed or not. I need to check with someone else if it can be done cheaper.

Hopefully this may give you a indication of what is wrong.
A boiler's fault can not be detected via a conversation.Things have to measured to see if they conform. Exchanging the circuit board is expensive, a normal service that should be done every 6-12 moths would cost only € 60-80 depending on where you live and whom you engage. The problem could be of a totally different nature, for example a birds nest in the flue. Get your boilers serviced regularly , that not only safes the environment but the purse as well.
I got the boiler serviced in June. The service is a fairly basic job. They basically take off the covers, give a little clean and dust and away they go. €80 for 40 minutes work(including removing and replacing covers). We are always advised to get this service done but watching what was actually done, I sometimes wonder why!?! Its not like a car where the oil etc. is changed. NO parts used what so ever. A quick brush down with a paint brush and a quick run of the hoover and that was it. P.S. The service was done through Bord Gais just in case you think I got some kind of cowboy in to do it!!

Also, carraig king, it looks as if your Circuit board may be a bit on the expensive side.
[broken link removed]
Mr Wonder

Thanks for that link. I figured it did sound a bit expensive. Must make a few calls to see can I get someone other than Bord Gais to do the job cheaper.

Our service with Bord Gais was the same.
I got a guy to look at the heating. The boiler itself is not the problem apparently. The problem is the switching valve (attached to the pump in the hotpress) that switches between heating the rads and heating the water. This valve has a little slider underneath it. By pulling the lever to the forward position (pipe to RHS of valve & pump) the boiler fires up. This leads the repair man to believe that this part is defective, or the micro-switch inside it is defective. Probably about €100 for replacement and another €40 to fit. Check this out on yours carraig king.
A gas boiler service that does not include the measuring of the flue gases is a cowboy job. The temperature, the CO and the CO2 should be measured and stated in a written form,signed by the service man. If this was not done complain to the company and demand your money back. And never employ them again.