Gas Bills

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I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this, please move if its not appropriate.

I've just gotten my gas bill this month for the past couple of months usage, and I was shocked, I had estimated 1/3 more based on the increases, but the bill is more like 50-60% more. I've mentioned it to a couple of people where I live and they all have similar stories, bills that were €180 is now more like €350... someone else has seen a bill go from €280 up to €420.
Is anyone else seeing such a jump in prices? As I said i had factored in the announced increase, but this seems horrendous!

PS. can anyone tell me why on the bill when they convert the units into kWH (in the conversion box), the conversion factor isn't constant... it ranges from 11.4000 up to 11.4767 on my past few bills... I would have though a conversion factor was a set rate!
do not have the figures to hand but my bill and that of my mothers and my sisters have seen a huge increase. a lot more than the 20% i had expected.
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