Gas Bill and Tarriffs


Registered User
We just got a whopper bill,- this one was read, last one was estimated. The total of our last 2 bills covering Nov - Mar is 2k. The heating is timed for 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening with the occasional boost during the day. This seems excessive to me for a house that is only 2200sqft, we have turned down the house and boiler thermostat.

We are on band C, I cannot find this on the website, but as we are only in the house 4 months am wondering if this is a higher tariff based on previous occupants usage or do you get billed as per the tariff based on that billing period consumpation.

Am gobsmacked, especially as we are cold a lot of the time.

Thanks for any explanations possible re reading a gas bill.
Annual Consumption Band C refers to usage between 23500 kWh and 73000 kWh per year (it's explained on the back of the bill).

The tariff you're on is stated on the front of the bill.

By comparison, I've got a 1500 sq ft house, heating on between 4 and 6 hours daily during the worst of the winter, 2-3 hours if I could get away with it and my bill for Oct-Jan was about €470. I'm on Band B, and I use approx 16500 kWh per year.

So the higher tariff that we appear to be on is based on consumpation of the previous occupants.

Will need to ring the gas board.

Thanks again.
Before you contact the gas company, check your standard kwh rate.

From what I can gather from a business perspective, if you are on a higher band then your kWh unit rate is reduced but the standing charges will be higher.

Check your bill against the below values to see if changing to a different band rating makes a difference in the cost.

For Band B the unit rate cent per kwh is 0.05471
The standing charge rate per day is 0.143

For using 3000kwh between end of Oct to the end of Dec I got charged 192 euro which is very expensive for me as my bill normally comes in around 80 euro bi monthly for a 2 bed apartment with it being on about 2-3 hours per day with the thermostat set to between 18 to 20 degrees..

I have since figured out that turning the gas on to heat the water and the rads at the same time consumes more energy. I originally thought that as the valve is opening to heat the water, then heating the rad with the same water should reduce my consumption but this does not seem to be the case for me, so now i only heat the place if it is cold and heat the water once in the morning for a shower for 30 min.
Originally turning the 2 on together at the same time regardless of whether I needed hot water or not helped contribute to my extra costs.
Also, just for reference

An average Rad can take 2.2 kWh of energy

For a guestimate if you have

10 rads * 2.2kwh = 22.2kwh
4 hours * 7 days = 28 hrs
28 hours * 8 weeks (2 months) = 224 hrs
224 hrs * 22.2 kwh = 4972.8 kwh for 2 months of gas usage

So if you multiply 4972.8 * 0.05471 you get a cost of = 272 euro