Garlic Scam

Well, let's see then if ,really, the courts will punish other cheats to the extent that they have punished this man. This would mean -if we want a comparison -life sentences for some of the worst offenders.

And talking about comparisons ....... In reply to micmlo's question -why bring rapists and muderers into this thread? Simple, really - it was to highlight how ludicrous this justice system is that a garlic-tax evader gets the same sentence as thugs who commit horrendous crimes.
the only message it sends out is if you are cought do bother trying to pay back any money or coporate with revenue, it wont stand you anything!
The state also deals very fast with very low level alledged fiddling social welfare recipients, obviously you need to be a corrupt politician, banker,developer to be shown due respect by the FG & Labour government i.e. left alone and unconvicted of anything tsk! tsk!
I think the sentence is justified - this guy has robbed everyone of us. The question is why other tax scammers like him dont get similar sentences? Here's to hoping that this sentence sets a new benchmark.
I think the sentence is justified - this guy has robbed everyone of us. The question is why other tax scammers like him dont get similar sentences? Here's to hoping that this sentence sets a new benchmark.

The public outcry about the perceived severity of the sentence has all but ensured that the sentence is likely to be (at least) cut substantially on appeal, and not repeated in future cases. Many people support the principle of jailing tax evaders, but when an actual case presents itself, the public seems to have a distaste for jailing people for a tax offence.
Disgraceful sentence considering he had already repaid a significant amount. Claire Nolan killed a man, taking him away from a family because she was out of her head on drink and drugs but not so out of it that she forgot to destroy the evidence and she got the same sentence handed to her today!

He repaid it because he was caught. Do you think he would have paid up if he hadn't been caught. Comparing it to sentences given for murder, manslaughter etc is ridiculous. Every crime has sentencing guidelines. This is the higher end for fraud/tax evasion but there is precedent. It's harsh given some other cases but I don't think it was ridiculous. We either start taking white collar crime seriously or we don't. Bleating on about bankers, developers etc is missing the point as well. This guy broke the law and he knew it. The only thing most bankers and developers are guilty of is greed and stupidity.
... obviously you need to be a corrupt politician, banker,developer to be shown due respect by the FG & Labour government i.e. left alone and unconvicted of anything tsk! tsk!

What did the Government have to do with this trial?
todays news ....

man raped his daughter for years - sentence SIX years

woman deliberately runs over man and crushes him to death - sentence - SIX years

Is there anyone out there who really believes six years was a fair sentence for garlic tax evasion?

I think 6 years for serious tax evasion worth over 1 million euro is fair. Garlic has nothing to do with it. Courts have to punish the offence as per the guidelines set down. If you think rapists and murderers deserve longer sentences, then argue that. Don't argue that someone who defrauded the taxpayer deserves a lesser sentence because they didn't rape or kill anyone.
Fairness implies equal treatment, parity, or whatever the right word is.

In Ireland ,courts had out sentences of 6/7 years to killers and rapists (I forgot a third case today where a seven year old child was raped at knife point and the rapist got seven years).
In Ireland, I don't recall tax cheats getting off with anything but fines. I may be wrong about that. Certainly I can't recall long prison sentences for tax cheats.

To ignore all other sentences handed down in this state and to declare that this particular six year sentence is "fair" ignores reality.

I don't know anything about "guidelines "- are you suggesting that a guideline for rapists is 6/7 yrs and for a tax evader it's the same ? ( I'm not arguing -just asking.)

Finally ,maybe a trite point, whilst I accept the law's the law there are sometimes rather silly laws - and the E.U. duty on nonEU imports of garlic are really quite silly. Actually this law is depriving the consumer of cheaper prices for garlic .
Yes, it should have been paid and the guy should receive some punishment -but the same punishment as brutal thugs committing unspeakable crimes?

Come on -we've moved on from 300 years ago when everyone got the same punishment whatever the crime.
Oldnick, I just logged on to make the points you made about the two 6 year sentences handed down today.
Do remember though that the high duties he was evading are part of the bigger trade protections we have in place to ensure that EU farmers get above the real market rate for their produce and those in the developing world continue to starve... If that's not sending a man to prison for then what is?
I do understand that the judge had the requirement to impose a sentence (although I do not necessarily agree with it). However these were two sentences imposed consecutively, not concurrently, which seems harsh
maybe we should be asking about the 'state of mind' of the judge instead of the sentence he passed down!

I do, but I also think the first 2 above should be life.
Tax evasion has always been implicitly condoned in this country and I'm delighted that this man has been handed down a severe sentence. This was no accidental decision, it was a calculated theft from the State going on over many many years.
Can anyone provide proof he was passing on the lower prices to customers?

Bringing in sentences for other crimes into the discussion is not appropriate - those sentences were wrong and should have been much higher.

+ 1

Not many tax evaders get jail in this country. While I dont know the full history of the garlic fraud, it is fair to say that where custodial sentences are given, there is usually a long history of failure to cooperate, thumbing nose at authorities, ignoring warnings, contemptuous behaviour etc etc. I would guess that there is a long history attached to the garlic fraud that hasnt been made public.
whats up with us? this guy cheated the country of tax, he was caught , good, he gets a proper sentence, good, he or others wont do it again. apparently emails were found where it was stated garlic be labelled as apples!!!!