gardening/Flowers Suggestions


Registered User
Having recently moved into my new house, i reckon its about time i should tackle my garden and make it "pleasent to the eye"
Problem is I am completely clueless when it comes to gardening.
I am just after coming from Homebase where i got completely bogged down with all the different types of plants, flowers etc

Any suggestions for popular low maintainance flowers i could have in planters? Do i just stick them in a planter with compost? ( Excuse my ignorance on this topic!?
Dont think i could be bothered going down the road of digging flower beds

Should i go with hanging baskets all round?
I planted Petunias in pots and baskets last year and fed them tomato plant feed about once a week, wouldnt be an expert gardener myself due to apartment living but by the end of the summer they were as big as bushes and weighed down with flowers !
Woodies have them on offer in their summer bedding promotion at the moment. Good Luck