Garden waste composter


Registered User
Am looking to buy a composter for my garden. It will be used for garden waste - cuttings, grass, weeds etc.

I've looked in the local garden centre and all they seem to stock are green plastic bins. Similar to a small coal bunker. I think it's intended for household waste.

I don't think it will be big enough for my needs. It would be difficult given it's size and shape to build up the layers correctly, and to rotate the contents with a pitch fork.

I'm looking for a composter that is cubic in shape. Possibly made of wood.
About 1m x 1m x 1m. So that I can stand in it.

Does anybody know if there is some kind of self assembly kit available?


Buy yourself a load of old scaffolding planks, cut them to size and screw them together. If you've got the space, build yourself two side by side bins so that you can add to one while taking compost from the other.