Garden wall: suggestions to break eyeline?


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Last week I finally took down the monster of ivy that was growing on the wall between us and our neighbour's. However, now that it's gone we miss the privacy it offered - the wall's 6' and just a bit too short.

Was thinking about mounting some trellis on top of the wall but it probably won't do much to break the eyeline. Any suggestions?

What about willow (not weeping willow tree, but basket weaver's willow or "sally" in local terms) grows fast, reaches 10 to 12 feet in about 3 years and other than clipping is a no-brainer to maintain. It does need stakes to get established and a trellis behind it for support. The foliage, depending on variety, ranges from a dark green through yellow to red.

I think, depending on variety, the planting times are March and October. Just take cuttings from a mature plant, stick them in a bucket of water and as soon as the roots sprout, stick them in a hole in the ground made with a crowbar or sharp pole. Attach to stakes / trellis and that's it. It can be trained into arches, to grow parallel to the ground and (note of caution) is almost impossible to kill.

BTW, I love ivy!
Thanks mathepac, but I was thinking more along the lines of a timber structure that I could run along the top of the wall, almost like a low fence to extend the height.

I think it's called a "topper" but I couldn't see any in Homebase or woodies over the weekend. Anyone know what I mean, and where to get them?

You can buy trellis different designs in standard panel sizes, 1800x1800mm, 1800x900, 1800x300 etc etc.

This provides many options to determin ehow high you can extend wall height. As a general guide if trellising is fixed to wall, then height above wall should not be greater than lower section, ie 50:50. Use of posts and also anchorage will also have important influences on finished heights.

All too often trellising can be seen leaning over because of poor or inadequate fixings.