All - with the longer and brighter days in the last few days, my garden is looking a bit tired in relation to growth - any keen gardeners on here to give a list of things to do in Feb / Mar timeframe, in relation to general care & getting ready for the growing season ahead ?
I spent a bit of time mixing in compost into the (soon to be ) flower beds and used a pitch fork to drill holes into the (very) soggy front patches of grass and put down some soil enhancher on that (impending rain the following day probably negated it, but anyway can try again during a drier spell ).
Fertilizer to be put down for the laruel hedge
Climbing roses to be pruned in the first week of March.
Feed for the grass end of March (assuming it's dry / frost free)
Any recommendations for climbing plants ? I've a mix of clematis - but some are better than others ( they are in a sunny spot, large wall with trellis covering ). Might need to put in evergreen climbers - winter months the large wall looks quite bare).
I spent a bit of time mixing in compost into the (soon to be ) flower beds and used a pitch fork to drill holes into the (very) soggy front patches of grass and put down some soil enhancher on that (impending rain the following day probably negated it, but anyway can try again during a drier spell ).
Fertilizer to be put down for the laruel hedge
Climbing roses to be pruned in the first week of March.
Feed for the grass end of March (assuming it's dry / frost free)
Any recommendations for climbing plants ? I've a mix of clematis - but some are better than others ( they are in a sunny spot, large wall with trellis covering ). Might need to put in evergreen climbers - winter months the large wall looks quite bare).