Garden Office / studio

stress pains

Registered User
I have built a stand alone office ( general office work). 25 m2 internal floor space and pitched roof approx 3m high and 2.5 internal head space. in my back garden. I still have 40m2 of garden left. Its a nice build , mini version of the house. Proper central heating (not part of the house), insulation ect and access via the side passage or from the back of main house.

My question is .... I am fitting this out with an en suite and kitchen area (I dont want to be in and out of the house making lunch and using toilit facilities). Do I need planning for this as I will only be using this as a home office . Or should I inform the council of works I have done for a home office and seek planning. Also, Can I get an additional esb meter fitted. So I can claim against tax ect for work use. I have at present a seperate consumer unit fitted from the house consumer unit. (that is metered)

I have a seperate phone line ordered. The office has its own electric central heating for rads and hot water. So the only bill attached to the office is a phone and esb. as I stated I have no problem with the additional phone line. I also have the water metered from the main house. However , Most use will be from the rainwater harvesting system. However the water bill is not an issue at the moment.

the reason I ask is I need a home office at present (cant get anything done with the kids in the house and not enough space in house) and in the future.having en suite and kitchen facilities gives you greater flexibility if I want to use it as a (family annex or granny flat) for one of the children or my parents.

All replies appreciated.
So I can claim against tax ect for work use.

If you start claiming tax back for work expenses from your home, I believe you may have to pay capital gains taxes if you sell your home in the future. Some of the tax experts on this site might be able to confirm this?
Thanks, Guns and Roses. I already claim a percentage of my esb on tax without having office out the back as an expense. I just thought a seperate meter would confirm the usage, rather than a percentage.