Garden Designer/Landscaper?



Hi all!
Living in Lucan in a 3 bed semi. Now that we have tackled most of the inside of the house, We'd like to get cracking on the outside.
Here's what we are dealing with;
Horrible large slabs all over the garden (not secured/cemented- some very wobbly!)
Different levels of this... ahem...Lovely slab work (Inventive previous owner obviously had a few leftover concrete bricks and put these down in a part of the garden and places more of the slabs ontop for the "Split level" look! )
We would love to get rid of the slabs and have level grass but want to make sure of drainage etc. There is a lot of manual work to be done.

Can anyone suggest someone for the job or a company we could contact in the lucan area or can anyone give me any idea of what price we are looking at?

Thanks Everyone!
Baroness, not so bad by the sounds of things [i've seen/ heard worse]. before you do anything make the wish-list for the garden and ask[pay] for a consultation from somebody qualified[make sure they design your garden not a memorial garden for them]. Check out the ALCI website. [broken link removed] this [as I have quoted it too many times before] does most things [or will get you 99% there via one or two calls/ emails]. Once the consultation is done you may find that a schedule of works is given so you may not have to pay for all the debris 'you' feel should be removed etc as you may end up using this/ a sector of it within your eventual design. Let me know how you get on or if this is of any use to you.
Slan agus beannacht