Garden Designer/Landscaper?



Hi all!
Living in Lucan in a 3 bed semi. Now that we have tackled most of the inside of the house, We'd like to get cracking on the outside.
Here's what we are dealing with;
Horrible large slabs all over the garden (not secured/cemented- some very wobbly!)
Different levels of this... ahem...Lovely slab work (Inventive previous owner obviously had a few leftover concrete bricks and put these down in a part of the garden and places more of the slabs ontop for the "Split level" look!:rolleyes: )
We would love to get rid of the slabs and have level grass but want to make sure of drainage etc. There is a lot of manual work to be done.

Can anyone suggest someone for the job or a company we could contact in the lucan area or can anyone give me any idea of what price we are looking at?

Thanks Everyone!:)
Barroness said:
Hi all!
Living in Lucan in a 3 bed semi. Now that we have tackled most of the inside of the house, We'd like to get cracking on the outside.
Here's what we are dealing with;
Horrible large slabs all over the garden (not secured/cemented- some very wobbly!)
Different levels of this... ahem...Lovely slab work (Inventive previous owner obviously had a few leftover concrete bricks and put these down in a part of the garden and places more of the slabs ontop for the "Split level" look!:rolleyes: )
We would love to get rid of the slabs and have level grass but want to make sure of drainage etc. There is a lot of manual work to be done.

Can anyone suggest someone for the job or a company we could contact in the lucan area or can anyone give me any idea of what price we are looking at?

Thanks Everyone!:)
Baroness, not so bad by the sounds of things [i've seen/ heard worse]. before you do anything make the wish-list for the garden and ask[pay] for a consultation from somebody qualified[make sure they design your garden not a memorial garden for them]. Check out the ALCI website. [broken link removed] this [as I have quoted it too many times before] does most things [or will get you 99% there via one or two calls/ emails]. Once the consultation is done you may find that a schedule of works is given so you may not have to pay for all the debris 'you' feel should be removed etc as you may end up using this/ a sector of it within your eventual design. Let me know how you get on or if this is of any use to you.
Slan agus beannacht