Gardai standing by as Iranian Secret Service attacked protesters: How to complain?

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Without running into LOS territory I have a genuine query about how to complain about Gardai (identities not known).

I was watching the 9 o clock news on RTE last night and was horrified to see Gardai standing by as the Iranian secret service attacked protesters.

This is Ireland, not Iran, and it wasn't even in the embassy. Feel very strongly about the Gardai allowing the Iranians to take the law into their own hands without intervening.

The official complaint against Ivor Callely was made as a result of a newspaper article, surely TV footage is enough to base a complaint on?
I would consider making any complaints to the gardaí very carefully before you proceed.

TBH, ringing Joe would have more impact and you wouldn't have to divulge personal details.

Fair play to you.

I saw the same report and was shocked at the non-intervention by the Gardai.

As you said, this isn't Iran.
Fair play to you.

I saw the same report and was shocked at the non-intervention by the Gardai.

As you said, this isn't Iran.


The protestor was shouting (which is not a crime in Ireland).
If the owner of the building he was in wanted him removed, they could have requested the Gardai to do it, in accordance with the law in Ireland.

Instead he was violently attacked. The Gardai stood by and allowed it.
I would consider making any complaints to the gardaí very carefully before you proceed.

TBH, ringing Joe would have more impact and you wouldn't have to divulge personal details.

That is a really depressing statement to make.

If people can't make legitimate complaints about the Gardai without fear of repercussion, then we live in a corrupt and non-democratic country.

I know that there have been many instances of this type of corruption in the past, but if people don't use the services of the Garda Ombudsman , then nothing will change.

If someone does make a complaint and are somehow targetted by the Gardai as a result, then the Gardai are breaking the law and need to be brought to justice. If we dont fight this corruption, we cant change it.
Is it not the case that if he was on the grounds of the Iranian embassy, then the Gardai have no juristiction as it is Iranian territory?

I didn't see the piece myself, so do not have the full facts.
FWIW, I agree with you Huskerdu - but personally, I would have strong reservations. It's up to the individual.
Is it not the case that if he was on the grounds of the Iranian embassy, then the Gardai have no juristiction as it is Iranian territory?

I didn't see the piece myself, so do not have the full facts.

It would have been but as I pointed out, it was not the embassy, it was the Institute for International and European Affairs so therefore it was Irish territory, and the Gardai are charged with law enforcement, instead they stood by and witnessed an assault.

The item is here [broken link removed] - and this is only what they deemed okay to air on tv.

Am going to make that complaint to the ombudsman, free speech isn't too much to ask in the 21st century in this country.
The Iranians will probably claim diplomatic immunity if charged with any offence.
True but my complaint is that the Gardai stood by and witnessed the assault without intervention. Diplomatic immunity does not extend to permission to beat the crap out of a protestor. The Gardai should have stopped it.

I know this thread is verging on LOS now...emotive stuff. Rang the Garda Ombudsman at lunchtime but they were closed for lunch, will try again on my break.
I think the protesters should take their protests to Iran and leave the gardai to concentrate on more pressing issues.
You are legally entitled to use reasonable force to eject a trespasser from your own premises. I didn't see anything here that would constitute reasonable force.

But how did you conclude that the Gardai saw the assault - were they in the room?
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