Gardai causing backlog on the M50


Registered User
Why is it that the guards always seem to pull lots of people over in the middle of rush hour and cause chaos on the M50 with the tailbacks caused by the rubber neckers?

And this morning the M50 was jammed all the way from Finglas past the Lucan exit...why? 2 motorcycle cops parked on the verge having a nice chit chat!! I know it's the fault of the rubber-neckers slowing everyone down, but do the guards not see what chaos they are causing themselves? I felt like hopping out of the car this morning and giving these 2 guys a slap! It was open road the moment I passed them.
bb12 said:
Why is it that the guards always seem to pull lots of people over in the middle of rush hour....

Cos there is a media and public opinion frenzy calling for random checkpoints... People seem to forget that 99.99% of driving is (still) done by sober drivers. The Govt, newspapers, RTE, AA, Gay Byrne, etc will not be happy until the lives of the 99.9% are made a misery in the name of catching the 0.01%.

... and cause chaos on the M50 ...
This sort of thing is happening all over the country. In most places it might be a bit much to label it chaos but it is sometimes a nuisance and even a safety hazard - like when the Gardai stopped me midway around a blind bend in a village last Sunday evening.
Lol. When I when past there was only one there. It did seem like there was an accident.

It is a blantant waste of public money having cops doing speed checks on the M50 during the day. GAY BYRNE, if you are listening. Get the Gardai to mount speed checks when the roads are EMPTY.
Its not only that though. They often show you how not to drive aswell. I was coming off the M50 a few weeks ago just joining the M1. Anyone familiar with that road will know that you take the slip road onto the M1 or you can go straight on towards Malahide. A garda car decides to leave it until he cleared the last car before turning off the same exit as me (crossing two lanes), then changes his mind again and barely misses the ditch scaring the hell out of everyone behind them. Who's going to stop him?