Gardai and Protesting Students


Registered User
Well I was not there so no idea who did what to who etc. but may I presume that the next time a group of protesters decide to say, block a public road, the Gardai will be equally vigorous in their response?

I dunno. say taxi drivers for example.
It was more than blocking the road. To be fair to the students, it sounds like their protest was hijacked by publicity seeking nut job groups.
I asked my student not to go, as I had a feeling there would be trouble.
Having seen protesters being bashed by batons on other protests.
I couldn't stomach her being hit by a baton.Even if it was an accident..
The sad thing is that the majority of students were there to highlight the fees issue and now its all about the trouble.
Shaun Wright-Phillips was there ??

Presumably making an appearance after an hour and then spending 30 minutes on the sidelines ineffectually trying to get past the defenders ( of the peace ) before retiring to the safety of the Shelbourne bar !