Garda website down - safety cameras


Registered User
Tried garda website a few times and it is down!! Looking for details on new safety cameras!!

tried to log into it myself and assuming that thousands of others are trying too and their server can't handle the traffic, did get a chuckle of the recovered property on the home page, a mountain bike , can just imagine the Interpol rolling their eyes at this if they visit the site
if you're in dublin there's one on the road outside cheeverstown, that's as much as i know so far!
Lots of people are going to get fines and points for Christmas. Of course the private company running the cameras are in it for the good of society and not the money making potential of the thing
Of course the private company running the cameras are in it for the good of society and not the money making potential of the thing

The private company are on a fixed fee, regardless of the number of fines/penalty points. As someone else pointed out, the fines will be issued by the Garda, not by the private company.

Obviously, the private company will want to make a profit.

I wonder how long it will be before some bright spark down in the Four Goldmines comes up with a successful challenge to the legislation?
The private company are on a fixed fee, regardless of the number of fines/penalty points.

I'm sure the operator of these cameras would have a better chance of renewing their contract if their detection rates good
The private company are on a fixed fee, regardless of the number of fines/penalty points. As someone else pointed out, the fines will be issued by the Garda, not by the private company.
A fixed fee paid from expected revenue from the cameras.
Speed cameras are nothing more than tax collectors. All the evidence shows this. But if our road deaths are significantly down (50 + as they claim) next year then I will eat humble pie!
I have an excel file containing the locations of the new speed cameras. If anyone is interested, pm me with your email address.

The whole thing is a joke. If the speed limits on the roads in this country actually made any sense then there would be no need for the vast majority of speed cameras.

They're spending 65 million on this over 5 years, that's a lot of money for a country in a recession and i'm sure they'll be expected to make a lot of money to justify that.
and i'm sure they'll be expected to make a lot of money to justify that.
Precisely. An easy way to make money that most people won't complain about.
Next thing we'll see is that you'll be able to avoid penalty points if you agree to go on some state run driving course. That has the advantage of not putting tax payers off the roads, and charging them again for the course, along with the fine.
For example a straight stretch of road which has never recorded a fatality and is not in a built up area with a speed limit of 60kmph, this makes no sense to me. Also, there are various parts of the motorway around Waterford City which have a speed limit of 80kmph.

My house is on a very busy main road and it could take you 5-15 minutes to actually pull out of the drive way and get out onto the road. There are 10 houses along this road but motorists go speeding along and drive in the hard shoulder which is extremely dangerous and there have been plenty of accidents and near misses along that road. There are no speed cameras or garda presence etc yet this would be described as a "black spot", the type of spot that the gardai say they target when clearly they don't?

I would imagine that the Gardai's study of the empirical evidence of very serious crashes and road deaths would be a bit more in-depth than your anecdotal research of the stretch of road outside your house (and your 9 neighbours).